Monday, December 15, 2008


It wasn't all just Amy Poheler leaving or Kanye being flatter than your first girlfriend on SNL this week. Seems the show has drawn a bit of controversy for the following depiction of NY Gov. Patterson.

The skit has been decried by Patterson who called it a "third-grade depiction of people and the way they look" that could lead others to believe that "disability goes hand-in-hand with an inability to run a government or business." Similarly the National Federation for the Blind has said that the skit was an attack on blind people.

I'm as PC as the next liberal, but brew ha ha over this seems to be a bit reaching. The blindness is used, perhaps distastefully, but only for a couple moments. The real target is Patterson himself, who becomes the butt of a few warranted cocaine jokes and questions about his seeming unpreparedness for the post. Both, I would argue, have more to do with his personality. Of course, as the saying goes, "no body hates my little brother, but me." And in an increasingly sensative time, it's hard to say what's offensive or not. But the "controversy" over this seems to underscore a hard fact about doing comedy these days -- someone's gonna take it the wrong way.

So, what do you think?

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