Sunday, October 12, 2008

Mark Wahlberg vs SNL


A week ago, fellow We Watch For You blogger Ryan posted a video of Andy Samberg playing Wahlberg and talking to animals. Now, the star of Shooter speaks out:

"Someone showed it to me on YouTube. It wasn't like Tina Fey doing Sarah Palin, that's for sure. And "Saturday Night Live" hasn't been funny for a long time. They've asked me to do the show a ton of times. I used to watch it when Eddie Murphy was there and Joe Piscopo and Bill Murray. I don't even know who's on the show now"

I have to agree with Wahlberg, SNL, even with the Palin stuff, really just misses the mark when it comes to comedy. I never thought I would say this, but I feel SNL has become MAD know that bad sketch show with a skit once a year worth watching. I'll catch it on youtube.

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